Friday, March 2, 2012

February Book 2 (Cion)

I mentioned that February would be Zakes Mda month. I started off with Memoirs of an Outsider and then finished off Cion.

I REALLY enjoyed Ways of Dying about Toloki the professional mourner. In Cion the professional mourner is now in the US and learns about the ancestors of the people with whom he is staying. It took a while to get into the book. But I trust the author so I kept going on. When I got to the end of the book I wanted to know more about what happens to all the characters. I must add that I felt like the characters were a little thin. They were a little hard to bring to 'life' but I enjoyed the book none the less.

It would be unfair to compare this book to 'Ways of Dying' (which is one of my favourite books). I don't think you necessarily have to have read Ways of Dying to enjoy Cion. This book reminded me a little of Toni Morrison's works, which is great because I am a HUGE Toni Morrison fan. Her book A Mercy was the January book.

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